Chelsea Pensioners singing amongst the congregation at a Wren Chapel Service

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Chapel Music List for March 2025

Sunday 2 March, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | Sunday next before Lent

IntroitO nata lux – Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)  
ResponsesPhilip Radcliffe (1905-1986)  
Psalm99; Chant: Reginald Moore (1910-1968)  
CanticleJubilate in B flat – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)  
Hymns2 Christ, whose glory fills the skies  
 248 ‘Tis good, Lord, to be here  
 543 O Praise ye the Lord!  
AnthemAnd then shall your light break forth (Elijah) – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)  
Recessional MarchMy Boy Willie (Quick March of the Royal Tank Regiment)  
VoluntaryPrelude in D, BWV 532a – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)  

Sunday 9 March, 11.00am. Choral Eucharist | 1st Sunday of Lent

IntroitRemember not, O Lord, our offences – Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Processional Hymn95 Forty days and forty nights
Mass settingMass for double choir – Frank Martin (1890-1974)
Gradual Hymn97 Lord Jesus, think on me
Offertory Hymn322 Soul of my Saviour
CommunionHear my prayer, O Lord – Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Recessional Hymn96 Jesu, lover of my soul
VoluntaryPrelude (Organ Symphony No. 1, Op. 14) – Louis Vierne (1870-1937)

Sunday 16 March, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 2nd Sunday of Lent

IntroitMiserere Nostri – Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)
Psalm27; Chant: James Turle (1802-1882)
CanticleBenedicite omnia opera – Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Hymns112 My song is love unknown
 582 Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
 538 O Jesus, I have promised to serve thee to the end
AnthemJehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei – Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Recessional MarchPavana (Fitzwilliam Virginal Book) – Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
VoluntaryVariations on ‘Mein junges Leben hat ein End’ SwWV 324 – J. P. Sweelinck (1562-1621)

Sunday 23 March, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 3rd Sunday of Lent

IntroitThou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts (Funeral Sentences for Queen Mary II, 1695) – Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Psalm63.1-9; Chant: Ivor Atkins (1869-1953)
1st AnthemMan that is born of a woman (Funeral Sentences, c.1672, revised 1680s) – Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Hymns127 When I survey the wondrous cross
 123 There is a green hill far away
 - O Father, by whose servants
2nd AnthemLet mine eyes run down with tears – Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Recessional MarchGrey and Scarlet (Quick March of the QARANC)
VoluntaryO Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 656 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

Sunday 30 March, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 4th Sunday of Lent | Mothering Sunday

IntroitБогородице Дево, радуйся (All-Night Vigil, Op. 37, No. 6) – Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)
ResponsesThomas Morley (1557-1602)
Psalm127; Chant: Ernest Bullock (1890-1979)
CanticleMagnificat (Gloucester Service) – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
Hymns238 For Mary, Mother of our Lord
 487 Jesus, good above all other
 362 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
AnthemA Hymn to the Virgin – Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)
Recessional MarchThe Lass of Richmond Hill – Early One Morning (Quick March of the WRAC)
VoluntaryFinal (Symphony No. 1, Op. 14) – Louis Vierne (1870-1937)

Archived music lists

February 2025

Sunday 2 February, 11.00am. Choral Eucharist  | Candlemas

IntroitAlleluia - Senex puerum portabat – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
Processional Hymn94 Hail to the Lord who comes
Mass settingCollegium Regale Communion Service – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
Gradual Hymn244 Virgin-born, we bow before thee
Offertory Hymns309 Let all mortal flesh keep silence
CommunionNunc dimittis (Gloucester Service) – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
Recessional Hymn278 Alleluia, sing to Jesus!
VoluntaryRhapsody No. 3 in C sharp minor, Op. 17 No. 3 – Herbert Howells (1892–1983)

Sunday 9 February, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 4th Sunday before Lent

IntroitA Hymne to Christ – Imogen Holst (1907-1984)
ResponsesRichard Ayleward (1626-1669)
Hymns227 Rejoice in God’s saints, today and all days!
 411 Dear Lord and Father of mankind
 368 All my hope on God is founded
AnthemGreat is the Lord – Edward Elgar (1857-1934)
Recessional MarchLillibulero – Auprès de ma blonde (Quick March of the REME)
VoluntaryCrown Imperial: A Coronation March – William Walton (1902-1983)

Sunday 16 February, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 3rd Sunday before Lent

IntroitMan blest no doubt (Parker Psalter) – Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)
ResponsesThomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)
Hymns430 Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go
 612 We have a gospel to proclaim
 516 Love divine, all loves excelling
AnthemThe Beatitudes – Arvo Pärt (b. 1935)
Recessional MarchOn Parade (Quick March of the RLC)
VoluntaryFanfare – William Mathias (1934-1992)

Sunday 23 February, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 2nd Sunday before Lent

IntroitI sat down under his shadow – Edward Bairstow (1874-1946)
ResponsesHumphrey Clucas (b.1941)
Hymns619 When morning gilds the skies
 413 Eternal Father, strong to save
 267 Thou, whose almighty word
AnthemSing unto the Lord – Elizabeth Poston (1905-1987)
Recessional MarchWait for the Wagon (Quick March of the RCT)
VoluntaryToccata-Prelude On 'Pange Lingua' – Edward Bairstow (1874-1946)

January 2025

Sunday 5 January, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | Epiphany

IntroitVidentes stellam – Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)
ResponsesWilliam Byrd (c.1540-1623)
Epiphany CarolThe Three Kings – Peter Cornelius (1824-1874), arr. Ivor Atkins (1869-1953)
HymnsThe First Nowell
 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
 As with gladness men of old
AnthemIlluminare, Jerusalem – Judith Weir (b. 1954)
Recessional MarchBegone dull care (Quick March of the Royal Corps of Signals)
VoluntaryElecta Ut Sol (5 Invocations) – Henri Dallier (1849-1934)

Sunday 12 January, 11.00am. Choral Matins | Baptism of Christ

IntroitDa zu dir der Heiland kam (Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) – Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
ResponsesWilliam Smith (1603-1645)
Epiphany CarolTribus miraculis – Luca Marenzio (1553-1599)
HymnsChrist, when for us you were baptized
 When Jesus came to Jordan
 Come down, O Love divine
AnthemTomorrow Shall be my Dancing Day – John Gardner (1917-2011)
Recessional MarchAida and The Royals (Quick March of the Blues and Royals)
VoluntaryPrelude in E flat major “St. Anne”, BWV 552 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

Sunday 19 January, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 2nd Sunday of Ephiphany

IntroitTribus miraculis – Jacob Handl (1550-1591)
ResponsesThomas Morley (1557-1602)
Epiphany CarolThe Call (Five Mystical Songs) – Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
HymnsBrightest and best of the sons of the morning
 O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
 Songs of thankfulness and praise
AnthemHere is the Little Door – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
Recessional MarchRide of the Valkyries (Quick March of the Parachute Regiment)
VoluntaryRhapsody No. 3 in C sharp minor, Op. 17 No. 3 – Herbert Howells (1892–1983)

Sunday 26 January, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 3rd Sunday of Epiphany

IntroitSing joyfully – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
ResponsesRichard Shephard (1949-2021)
HymnsThe people that in darkness sat
 O Thou who camest from above
 The church’s one foundation
AnthemThe Spirit of the Lord is upon me (The Apostles) – Edward Elgar (1857-1934)
Recessional MarchHuntsman’s Chorus – The Italian Song (Quick March of the Royal Green Jackets)
VoluntaryPrelude and Fugue in G, BWV 550 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

December 2024

Sunday 1 December, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | Advent Sunday

IntroitMatin Responsory – adapted from G. P. da Palestrina (c.1525-1594)
ResponsesThomas Tomkins (1572-1656)
Advent motetRorate coeli – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
HymnsCome, thou Redeemer of the earth
 O Come, O come, Emmanuel
 31. Lo, he comes with clouds descending
Advent motetVigilate – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
Recessional MarchThe Watch Tower (Quick March of the Royal Corps of Military Police)
VoluntaryToccata (Suite Gothique) – Léon Boëllmann (1862-1897)

Sunday 8 December, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 2nd Sunday of Advent

IntroitWie soll ich dich empfangen (Christmas Oratorio) – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)
ResponsesWilliam Byrd (c.1540-1623)
Advent carolA Spotless Rose – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
CanticleBenedictus (Short Service) – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
Hymns39. Wake, O wake! With tidings thrilling
 34. On Jordan’s bank
 29. Hills of the North, rejoice
AnthemThis is the record of John – Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
Recessional MarchThe Roast Beef of Old England
VoluntaryToccata (Suite Gothique) – Léon Boëllmann (1862-1897)

Sunday 15 December, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 3rd Sunday of Advent

IntroitEs ist ein Roess entsprungen – 14th century German melody, arr. Michael Praetorius (1571-1621)
ResponsesThomas Morley (1557-1602)
CanticleThe Lord is my strength and my song (Israel in Egypt) – George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Hymns26 Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding
 37 The Lord will come and not be slow
 - O Come, O come, Emmanuel
AnthemRejoice in the Lord alway – Anon. 16th century
Recessional MarchThe Lass of Richmond Hill – Early One Morning (Quick March of the WRAC)
VoluntaryPrelude and Fugue in G minor, Op. 7, No. 3 – Marcel Dupré (1886-1971)

Sunday 22 December, 11.00am. Choral Matins | 4th Sunday of Advent

Sunday 22 December, 15.30. Carol Service

IntroitGabriel’s message – Basque Carol, arr. David Willcocks (1919-2015)
ResponsesRichard Ayleward (1626-1669)
Advent carolMyn lyking – Richard Runciman Terry (1864-1938)
CanticleMagnificat (Second Service) – Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
Hymns58 Long ago, prophets knew
 362 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
 31 Lo, he comes with clouds descending
AnthemHereford Carol – Trad., arr. Christopher Robinson (b. 1936)
Recessional MarchMy Boy Willie (Quick March of the Royal Tank Regiment)
VoluntaryFugue in E minor, BWV 548ii – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)
IntroitThe truth from above – Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
Carols and ReadingsOnce in royal David’s city – H. J. Gauntlett (1805-1976), arr. A. H. Mann (1850-1929) & David Willcocks (1919-2015)
 A spotless rose – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
 1st lesson
 O Come, O come, Emmanuel - 15th century French arr. David Willcocks
 2nd lesson
 Sir Christémas – William Mathias (1934-1992)
 3rd lesson
 Of a rose – Cecilia McDowall (b. 1951)
 God rest you merry, gentlemen – English trad., arr. David Willcocks
 4th lesson
 My Lord has Come – Will Todd (b. 1970)
 O little town of Bethlehem – English trad., arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams & Thomas Armstrong (1898-1994)
 5th lesson
 What sweeter music – John Rutter (b.1945)
 6th lesson
 The First Nowell – English trad., arr. David Willcocks
 O magnum mysterium – Tomás Luis de Victoria (c.1548-1611)
 7th lesson
 Hark! the herald angels sing – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), arr. David Willcocks
 The National Anthem
VoluntaryCarillon de Westminster, Op. 54 No. 6 – Louis Vierne (1870-1937)

Tuesday 24 December, 18.00. First Mass of Christmas | Christmas Eve

IntroitLux arumque – Eric Whitacre (b. 1970)
Processional hymnOnce in Royal David’s city
Mass settingMesse de minuit pour Noël – Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704)
Gradual hymnOf the Father’s heart begotten
Offertory hymnIt came upon the midnight clear
CommunionCarol – William Vann (b. 1982)
Recessional hymnO come, all ye faithful
VoluntaryDieu Parmi Nous (La Nativité du Seigneur) – Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)

Wednesday 25 December, 11.00am. Choral Matins | Christmas Day

IntroitHodie Christus natus est – Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)
ResponsesRoyal Hospital Christmas Responses
Choir carolsUp! Good Christen folk, and listen – Melody from Piae Cantiones (1582), arr. G. R. Woodward (1848-1934)
HymnsO come, all ye faithful
 Away in a manger
 God rest you merry, gentlemen
AnthemA babe is born – William Mathias (1934-1992)
Recessional MarchThe Old Brigade
VoluntaryPrelude and Fugue in B major, Op. 7, No. 1 – Marcel Dupré (1886-1971)

November 2024

Sunday 3 November, 11.00am. Choral Eucharist  | All Saints' Day

IntroitDona nobis pacem – Olivia Sparkhall (b. 1976)
Processional Hymn232 For all the saints
Mass SettingMass in G minor – Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
Gradual Hymn227 Rejoice in God’s saints, today and all days!
Offertory Hymn228 Soldiers, who are Christ’s below
CommunionAnd I saw a new heaven – Edgar Bainton (1880-1956)
Recessional Hymn230 Ye watchers and ye holy ones
VoluntaryPrelude in E minor, BWV 548 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

Sunday 10 November, 10.55am. Service of Remembrance | Remembrance Sunday

Before the serviceElegy – George Thalben-Ball (1896-1987)
 Passacaglia – The Death of Falstaff (Suite from Henry V) – William Walton (1902-1983)
 Rhosymedre (3 Preludes Founded on Welsh Hymn Tunes) – Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
IntroitFor the fallen – Douglas Guest (1916-1996)
HymnsO Valiant Hearts
 537 O God, our help in ages past
 He who would valiant be
 355 I vow to thee, my country
1st AnthemO pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
2nd AnthemBring us, O Lord God – William Harris (1883-1973)
VoluntaryOrb and Sceptre – William Walton (1902-1983)

Sunday 17 November, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 2nd Sunday before Advent  

IntroitAlmighty and everlasting God – Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
ResponsesPhilip Radcliffe (1905-1986)
Psalm16 Chant: James Turle (1802-1882)
Hymns202 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
 547 Oft in danger, oft in woe
 423 Fight the good fight with all thy might
AnthemO God, the proud are risen against me – Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656)
Recessional MarchThe Roast Beef of Old England
VoluntaryFantasia for Double Organ – Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)

Sunday 24 November, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | Christ the King;

IntroitThe Call – Gail Randall (b. 1955)
ResponsesDavid Trendell (1964-2014)
Psalm93 Chant: John Hopkins (1818-1901)
CanticleTe Deum in F – John Ireland (1879-1962)
Hymns398 Christ triumphant, ever reigning
 Hail Redeemer, King divine
 166 Crown him with many crowns
AnthemLet all the world in every corner sing – Kenneth Leighton (1929-1988)
Recessional MarchFigaro (Slow March of the Coldstream Guards)
VoluntaryPrelude and Fugue in G, BWV 541 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

October 2024

Sunday 6 October, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 19th Sunday after Trinity

IntroitI sat down under his shadow – Edward Bairstow (1874-1946)
ResponsesPhilip Radcliffe (1905-1986)
Psalm8 Chant: Joseph Corfe (1741-1820), after Henry Lawes
CanticleVenite (Short Service) – Thomas Weelkes (1576-1623)
Hymns6. New every morning is the love
 251 All things bright and beautiful
 558 Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the king of creation
AnthemAchieved is the Glorious Work (The Creation) – Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
Recessional MarchThe Lass of Richmond Hill - Early One Morning (Quick March of the WRAC)
VoluntaryFugue in D (Zwölf Stücke, Op. 80) – Max Reger (1873-1916)

Sunday 13 October, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 20th Sunday after Trinity

Royal Armoured Corps Sunday

IntroitПриидите, поклонимся (All-Night Vigil, Op. 37, No. 1) – Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)
ResponsesThomas Tomkins (1572-1656)
Psalm90.12-end Chant: Craig Sellar Lang (1891-1971)
Hymns537 O God, our help in ages past
 582 Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
 455 Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
AnthemLord, thou hast been our refuge – Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
Recessional MarchMy Boy Willie (Quick March of the Royal Tank Regiment
VoluntaryFugue in E flat major “St. Anne”, BWV 552(ii) – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

Sunday 20 October, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 21st Sunday after Trinity  

IntroitШестопсалмие (All-Night Vigil, Op. 37, No. 7) – Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)
ResponsesRichard Ayleward (1626-1669)
Psalm91.9-end Chant: Richard Marlowe (1939-2013)
Hymns2 Christ, whose glory fills the skies
 92 Christ, when for us you were baptized
 368 All my hope on God founded
AnthemPsalm 148: ‘Lord, who hast made us for thine own’ – Gustav Holst (1874-1934)
Recessional MarchMoses in Egypt (Quick March of the 11th Hussars (Prince Albert's Own))
VoluntaryLitanies, JA 119 – Jehan Alain (1911-1940)
Sunday 27 October, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | Last Sunday after Trinity
IntroitХвалите имя Господне (All-Night Vigil, Op. 37, No. 8) – Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)
ResponsesWilliam Byrd (c.1540-1623)
Psalm126 Chant: George M. Garrett (1834-1897)
CanticleJubilate in C – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)
Hymns549 Onward, Christian soldiers
277 All for Jesus, all for Jesus
175 Come down, O Love divine
AnthemLet all mortal flesh keep silence – Edward Bairstow (1874-1946)
Recessional MarchOn Parade (Quick March of the Royal Logistics Corps)
VoluntaryPostlude in D minor, Op. 105, No. 6 – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)

September 2024

Sunday 1 September, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 14th Sunday after Trinity

IntroitCantate Domino – Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
ResponsesPhilip Radcliffe (1905-1986)
CanticleJubilate in B-flat – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)
HymnsChrist, whose glory fills the skies
 Jesu, lover of my soul
 O Praise ye the Lord!
AnthemO for a closer walk with God – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)
Recessional MarchThe Old Brigade
VoluntaryNun danket alle Gott, BWV 657 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

Sunday 8 September, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | The Blessed Virgin Mary

Accession of King Charles III, 2022

IntroitO Lord, make thy servant Charles our King – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
ResponsesWilliam Smith (1603-1645), rev. WJV
CanticleMagnificat in G – Herbert Sumsion (1899-1995)
HymnsPraise, my soul, the King of heaven
 Tell out, my soul
 Be thou my vision
AnthemAve Maria – Robert Parsons (c.1535-1572)
Recessional MarchTrio (Pomp and Circumstance March No. 4) – Edward Elgar (1857-1934)
VoluntaryChorale Fantasia on ‘The Old Hundredth’ – C. Hubert H. Parry (1848-1918)

Sunday 15 September, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 16th Sunday after Trinity

Nene Valley Motorcycle Club

IntroitIf ye love me – Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)
ResponsesThomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)
PsalmI have loved (Psalm 116.1-8) – Christopher Tye (c.1505-1572/3)
HymnsForth in thy name, O Lord, I go
 Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
 The royal banners forward go
AnthemChrist rising again – Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)
Recessional MarchThe Watch Tower (Quick March of the Royal Military Police)
VoluntaryFantasia in G, T 457 – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)

Sunday 22 September, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 17th Sunday after Trinity

Royal Corps of Signals

IntroitA Hymne to Christ – Imogen Holst (1907-1984)
ResponsesWilliam Byrd (c.1540-1623)
CanticleJubilate (Collegium Regale) – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
HymnsLove divine, all loves excelling
 Teach me, my God and King
 O Jesus, I have promised
AnthemFor lo, I raise up – Charles Villiers Stanford
Recessional MarchBegone dull care (Quick March of the Royal Corps of Signals)
VoluntaryPostlude on a Theme of Orlando Gibbons, Op. 105, No.2 – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)

Sunday 29 September, 11.00am. Choral Eucharist | Michael and All Angels

Royal Anglian Regiment

IntroitDarum wir billig loben dich, BWV 130 (vi) – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)
Processional hymnChrist, the fair glory of the holy angels
Mass settingMissa in C, ‘Organ Solo Mass’ – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Gradual hymnAngel-voices ever singing
Offertory HymnAlleluia, sing to Jesus!
CommunionFactum est silentium – Peter Philips (c.1560-1628)
Recessional hymnFor all the saints
Recessional MarchQuick March of the Royal Anglian Regiment
VoluntaryPrelude and Fugue in C Major, BWV 545 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

August 2024

Sunday 4 August, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 10th Sunday after Trinity

IntroitEgo sum panis vivus – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
ResponsesWilliam Smith (1603-1645), arr. Richard Marlow (1939-2013)
HymnsChrist, whose glory fills the skies
 O food to pilgrims given 
 Guide me, O thou great Redeemer 
AnthemPanis angelicus – César Franck (1822-1890), arr. Sir John Rutter (b. 1945)
Recessional MarchAida and the Royals (Quick March of the Blues and Royals)
VoluntaryPrelude and Fugue in G major, BWV 541 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

Sunday 11 August, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 11th Sunday after Trinity

IntroitO Taste and See – Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
ResponsesThomas Morley (1557-1602)
HymnsWhen morning gilds the skies 
 The King of love my shepherd is 
 Praise the Lord! Ye heavens, adore him
AnthemGeistliches Lied – Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Recessional MarchThe Old Brigade
VoluntaryAllegro maestoso and Fugue (Sonata No. 2) – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)

Sunday 18 August, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 12th Sunday after Trinity

IntroitVerily, verily I say unto you – Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)
ResponsesWilliam Smith (1603-1645)
CanticleJubilate (Second Service) – Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
HymnsForth in thy name, O Lord, I go
 Let all the world in every corner sing
 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
AnthemPraise our Lord, all ye Gentiles – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
Recessional MarchMilanollo (Quick March of the Coldstream Guards)
VoluntaryFantazia of four parts – Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)

Sunday 25 August, 11.00am. Choral Matins  | 13th Sunday after Trinity

IntroitQuis est homo (Prima Pars) – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
ResponsesWilliam Byrd (c.1540-1623)
HymnsLord of all hopefulness
 Through all the changing scenes of life
 Praise to the Holiest in the height 
AnthemBeati quorum via – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)
Recessional MarchOn Parade (Quick March of the Royal Logistics Corps)
VoluntaryFlourish for an Occasion – William Henry Harris (1883-1973)