We invite you to you make your way around the historic buildings that make up the UK’s flagship veteran community.

Whilst the physical gates to the Royal Hospital are currently closed to safeguard the Chelsea Pensioners, we invite you to explore our 328 year old heritage from the comfort of your own home.

Find out more about our royal founder King Charles II, the Duke of Wellington’s involvement with the Royal Hospital, notorious physician Messenger Monsey and even meet some of today’s Chelsea Pensioners along the way.

Please note that every historic area can be explored using subtitles, which can be turned on in the video player.

Once we are able to re-open our site to visitors, we hope to welcome you to the Royal Hospital Chelsea in person. In the meantime, you can find out more about supporting the Chelsea Pensioners and the heritage of the Royal Hospital here.

Royal Hospital Chelsea Tour - Introduction:

Meet the Chelsea Pensioners:

Daily Life:


Built Heritage:

Figure Court:

Figure Court Statue:

Founder's Day:

South Grounds:


Great Hall:

Duke of Wellington:

Wren Chapel:

Chapel Mural:



Bomb Damage:

Voices from the Past:

Royal Hospital Chelsea Newsletter

Stay up to date with what's going on at The Royal Hospital by signing up for our e‑newsletter.


View the archive

Chelsea Pensioner Billy in scarlet uniform
Meet Chelsea Pensioner Billy Knowles

Chelsea Pensioner, Billy, discusses his 25 year career in the British Army after joining at 15 years old, becoming a drummer and how he is continuing his love for music at the Royal Hospital Chelsea.

Meet Chelsea Pensioner Mick Gue: Sporting Success

Chelsea Pensioner, Mick Gue, talks about his athletic triumphs in the Army, and what he is doing now to stay fit in retirement.