The power of the Commissioners
The Sovereign grants the Commissioners sweeping powers to govern the hospital on their behalf. The Letters Patent set out the terms of their appointment. They direct that nominated individuals will not exceed ten in number and the Board will consist of serving and veteran members of HM Forces and civilians that are distinguished in their respective fields.
The Board of Commissioners are responsible for:
- feeding and clothing the Pensioners
- furnishing the buildings
- maintaining the buildings and grounds
- appointing Royal Hospital staff, setting their pay, duties and conditions of service (and dismissing them if necessary)
- raising money
- approving the annual accounts
- setting the eligibility criteria for the admission of Pensioners
‘We do hereby give and grant unto you, Our said Commissioners, full power and authority generally to do and perform all such matters and things and to enter into such arrangements or agreements as you Our said Commissioners in your discretion shall think necessary or desirable for the good government of our said hospital …’.