With years of experience, our dedicated events team understands just how important your event is to you and your guests. Above all else, we believe that attention to detail is key to ensuring your event is everything you hope it will be. We will be on hand to help with every step of the planning from the moment you first come to visit us, until your very last guest has gone home.

The Royal Hospital is home to the world-famous Chelsea Pensioners, retired soldiers who have come to live in this very special place in their later years. So not only will your event take place against a backdrop of this extraordinary history, but you'll also have the satisfaction of knowing that profits from venue hire at the Royal Hospital will go towards both caring for the Chelsea Pensioners and securing the future of the buildings.

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Chelsea Pensioner Billy in scarlet uniform
Meet Chelsea Pensioner Billy Knowles

Chelsea Pensioner, Billy, discusses his 25 year career in the British Army after joining at 15 years old, becoming a drummer and how he is continuing his love for music at the Royal Hospital Chelsea.

Meet Chelsea Pensioner Mick Gue: Sporting Success

Chelsea Pensioner, Mick Gue, talks about his athletic triumphs in the Army, and what he is doing now to stay fit in retirement.